Thursday, 4 February 2010

Just a little note to say..

..I've given in to a head cold :~(  I am the worlds worst patient and would like to believe that illness is a state of mind so I try and carry on with the school run and work and housework etc etc...but this head cold has kicked my arse and I have had to stop and actually lie down today and take the most disgusting tasting medicine ever made! I swear it was like the scene of Nanny Mcphee when she administered the foul liquid to the children!

BUT....It worked, I can actually lift my head now, also the fact that My Mum had been visiting and did the school run for me today so I could fully rest was a godsend!!
So please forgive me if you are waiting for orders from me or your E-mails have been unanswered....I will be on it as soon as my head stops spinning xxx Much love
Annie xxxxx


Love the Decor! said...

Hoping you'll be better soon!!

Annie said...

Sorry you are feeling under the weather, hope you are back to your usual energetic self before too long
Ann x

Jill said...

Hope you feel better soon.

RosieP x

Thecraftytrundler said...

Hope you feel better soon, hun!
I had an awful cold last week,sore throat & ached all over, so I know what you mean.
Have a great weekend, and don't forget, spring is around the corner : )

Sharon xx

A Tasty Treat said...

Hi Annie

Oh I do hope you get better soon, head colds are horrible. Keep taking the medicine and treat yourself to a nice sticky bun too just to cheer yourself up.
Get well soon.

Callies Cottage said...

Feel better soon...
Warm Wishes,

Kissed by an Angel said...

Sounds horrid!!! Get well soon!!

Lululiz said...

Awww, big hug to you, hope you feel better real soon x

Andi's English Attic said...

Thank goodness for mums, eh? Mine's the same. Hope you're feeling better soon. xx