Saturday, 3 April 2010

Happy Easter and a Spring Freebie!

Please excuse my absence yet again I keep on doing these disappearing acts don't I? I did actually schedule the Vintage fair part 2 post for last week but it seems to have disappeared completely and didn't even publish?? ( Last time I try Scheduled posting!)
I have been enjoying the glimpses of sunshine we have been having and catching up with House work and friends that were neglected during my mad work schedule!
I am having some of my fave people over for Easter Sunday so will try and take lots of pics and will see you after the mini break......Me and Aidy have got some gardening and visiting in store for the hols!
Meanwhile for those who are revelling in the fact that SPRING IS HERE, I have added a little freebie for your personal use!
I have bought a mini blossom for my garden so would love to hear any tips or traditions / experiences you may have before I do so..I am very new at this gardening lark and not a natural AT ALL!!!!!
So here's wishing you ALL a VERY Happy Easter Weekend xx
Annie xx


Andi's English Attic said...

I'm quite new to gardening too. I only know what I remember from my parents gardening. Good luck. xx

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Happy Easter!!

Victoria xx

Annie said...

Hope you have a lovely Easter weekend and manage to get out in the garden.
Ann x

Tilly Rose said...

Happy Easter hunny!
I love your piccie
Karen x x x

Kissed by an Angel said...

Happy Easter.

Jill said...

Happy Easter

Hugs RosieP x

VintageWantsNotNeeds said...

Hi Annie - At the ripe old age of 36 I threw in my job and went to college to study horticulture. I got top student in my section (wot a swot) and then left and never really used it but still love to garden. If I can help at all will try and do so.
Have a great Easter chuck (or should I say chick....)

The Old Parsonage said...

Hope that you had a wonderful Easter with family and friends!

Thanks for the image!


Kelly said...

Happy Easter sweetie! sorry to hear your post didn't publish! how annnoying!

GwendolynKay said...

What a lovely freebie. Thank you.

VintageWantsNotNeeds said...

Hi Annie,

I have an "I LOVE YOUR BLOG" award for you!When you have time please call into my blog where you will find your award!!xx
