Bit of a mixed bag post as, as you know if you have read previous posts I do multitask my work Quite often!! So this weekend has been a bit of a hectic one really..My Mum came down for a visit which was lovely, she lives a couple of hours away from me and with her she bought some lovely fresh homegrown veggies and a few more of her handmade sewing pretties too! Unfortunately the Batteries in my Camera ran out before I could snap them all...but managed to get my fave pretty though!
This is waiting for the right button to be sewn on in the middle but is still lovely as it is and doesn't it look fab on my comfy chair?? I was secretly hoping Mum would 'forget ' to take this home with her!!
Lorraine ( mum) Will be selling her handmade pretties at the vintage and homemade fair on 7th November ( see the link in the sidebar for more info)
Also on Saturday I had one of my lovely brides visit for a make-up trial in readiness for the big day in September, she has a colour scheme of Ivory and Claret and is having her wedding in a lovely Manor all that's left now are the Order of services and the Table Plan and then those fiddly little bits! She has chosen one of my birdcages to hold her cards and it will be adorned with claret Paper roses! Here's the invitation she chose ( excuse the poor quality of pic) It was A5 in size and Hammer effect Ivory card with Dark red wired organza ribbon
I obviously blanked out the details as I'm sure she wont want any gatecrashers HAHAHA!!

Well this post has already got far too long already So I'll leave you with this request for some advice!!
Its my birthday on the 3rd September and have been asked to make a wish list but for some reason when I have an opportunity like this my mind goes blank!! I'd love a handmade bag, retro vintage style of course!! I love a bit of Laura and Cath, and Crystal please please can you send me either some ideas or some websites for me to have a look at so I can compile some ideas!!!
Thanks oh gorgeous ones...until next time
Annie x
P.S Love Love Love all the comments it really makes my day to read them...and Carol your comment really touched me thanks for talking the time to share
Love the cushion and bedspread your mum made, you are obviously a talented family ! Can't wait to meet you meet you both in November. I have forwarded your email about the cake lady on to Deb and will get back to you shortly.
Ann x
Love the heart cushion, think I may have to give one a go. Surely if I can make small ones I can manage a bigger one, yes i'm trying to convince myself 'hehe'.
Do you mind if I borrow your union jack keep calm image please? It's only for my personal use, would like to print it off and put in a frame in my kitchen and use the crackle effect on the frame.
Beki xxx
WOW you've been busy and so has your mum! Such a pretty cushion!
Victoria xx
Blimey, you have been busy. I love the birdcages and colour scheme the bride has chosen. Your mum is also as talented I see! How lovely working with excited brides, you lucky thing! What an interesting read your post was this morning, many thanks for sharing. x
Hi hunni
Thanks ever so much for that and I will most definately show piccies!
Did you want to join in my PIF?
Beki xxx
'Tiara Class' - love it! sounds like what princesses must study at school!
I put your parcel in the post today so you should get it soon.
Hmmm I think probably no sparkles for the party ring - wouldn't want it to be too O.T.T (or has that ship sailed???!)
ps I generally love anthea - I think she is misunderstood! She cracks me up, anyhoo!
I'd love to come to one of your classes, it would be amazing! One day eh? BTW there are some lovely handmade bags on
I'm still waiting for my crafting mojo to return. I'm considering taking over the spare room ;o)
Hello, I have just found your blog and have really enjoyed reading all your old posts, your vintage makeovers are gorgeous! Such a beautiful blog and I am now a follower x
Loving the cushion your mum made! That is funny you picked up an apron at the car boot, was it an older couple? She said she would be back with some more patterns this week but I was too busy looking after husband who was ill with a cough!! Ha ha, men! Yeh, we should def meet up there, i'd love to look around Fantasy Crafts. Not for the next couple of weeks though as i'm moving home next week, yippee!!
Laura x
your mum is so clever, i love the cushion, you do so much I wonder how you fit it all in!! fliss xx
Just popped by to wish you a happy weekend!
the quilt/throw sos lovely...the heart adorable!
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